Industry experts in compaction and task lighting with customer focussed support


Our Eco Products

Greener, cleaner lighting

Unleash the power of hydrogen. With zero site emissions, zero noise and zero spill risk, complying with Section 61 has never been easier.

Learn more about the TCP Eco range of products

Eco-friendly lighting

Hydrogen fuel cells use a chemical reaction to produce energy without combustion, leaving only clean power and water vapour. So, not only are our Ec...

Eco-friendly lighting

Eco-friendly power equipment

Silent, emission free off-grid power generation up to 1000W

Eco-friendly Power

Eco-friendly compaction & dumpers

Emission-free compaction with battery-powered rammers Our advanced battery powered dumper is a robust material mover with silent power for the most ...

Compaction & Dumpers

Zero Emissions
Hydrogen fuel is the future of clean energy. Hydrogen is key to meeting net-zero targets, from reducing carbon emissions and improving air quality.

TCP is the first company in the world to apply hydrogen technology to LED light towers. Instead of polluting exhaust fumes, the only by-product created by our fuel cells is clean water during a safe, silent chemical reaction.

Zero Noise
Under Section 61, contractors have the legal obligation to ensure that noise created on their site is minimised – something especially true for work at night. One of the leading causes of noise pollution is, of course, power generators. However, when the time comes to turn our lights on, the Ecolites run silently – perfect for those looking to comply with the Considerate Constructors Scheme.

Zero Groundspill Risk
Our hydrogen cells operate under a fully controlled chemical reaction that’s entirely closed and contained, ensuring zero chance of spillage. This is perfect for sensitive sites where you don’t want to risk ground contamination from liquid fuels.

TCP has worked alongside BOC, one of the world’s leading gas manufacturers, to produce a product that is as safe – and user friendly – as traditional fossil fuel methods. Together with our partners, decades of extensive development have been put into designing and testing our products to ensure that they meet all accepted safety standards. We continue to work closely with all of our clients to ensure the safe use of our products, while keeping abreast of the latest safety developments through membership of interest groups such as the BCGA, Hydrogen London and Hydrogen East.  

Launched in July 2020, Hydrogen East was established to drive the emerging H2 economy across East Anglia.   TCP ECO is one of the founding partners along with EDF Energy, CPH2, Opergy and New Anglia Energy.




Contact us

If you have any general enquiries, please don't hesitate to get in touch.